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Maxie (played by Tar) |
Arron (played by Rigby) |
Niveus (played anonymously) |
Ehen (played by Healthbar) |
Isidora (played by Tamarind) |
Evren (played by Rigby) |
Caithe (played by Rook) |
Akkanraali (played by Rigby) |
Aldo (played by Rigby) |
Islene Britta (played by Lionheart) |
Siven (played anonymously) |
Faith (played anonymously) |
Riley Keller (played by LuminousGhost) |
Rock Wolf (played by Gulo) |
Daeg (played by JT_the_Ninja) |
Narantuyaa (played by Djinn-n-Tonic) |
Hashenn (played anonymously) |
Tillius Elmitore (played by Lionheart) |
Randulfus du Locke (played anonymously) |
Red Death (played anonymously) |
Quinne (played by Rook) |
Roland Grey (played anonymously) |
Jhaes Maksa (played by Tamarind) |
Vaidya (played by AJ_89) |
Dralt (played by Libertine) || August 16 2018, 2:26am
Thirty-seven years overdue. You will not go it alone, this time.
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Akkanraali (played by Rigby) || December 24 2017, 1:14am
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Evren (played by Rigby) || October 20 2017, 8:49am
When you are ready, perhaps I can show you a few things? Flying things. Y'know! Fun stuff!
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Maxie (played by Tar) || October 13 2017, 11:59pm
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Kingsley (played by Degu) || October 20 2017, 7:51pm
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Dralt (played by Libertine) || October 6 2017, 1:26am
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